Writing Projects

The World of Illium

In a land populated by myths and legends, humankind was the anomaly, now as they carve out their place in this world they must deal with the realities of living amongst beings that they have always feared.

As tension across the lands starts to rise, truths are being rediscovered and the once-abandoned city will become the light of hope for all.

Creative Projects

Adventure Journal

The Adventure Journal

In a time when the sky stretched in a limitless expanse and the oceans whispered ancient secrets, the world was brimming with stories. It was a realm where the mundane danced with the mystical, and every corner held a tale waiting to unfold.

At the heart of this vast, wondrous place, an old, weathered journal lay beneath the gnarled roots of a great oak, its pages softly humming with the promise of countless adventures.

Halloween Project – Cauldrons

Every year around this time, you see people being very creative in the type of decorations that they employ in generating the atmosphere for the Halloween traditions. This particular project can be leveraged for many different setups and is remarkably simple to create.